Are Colleges Needed?

Colleges are needed to shape teenagers in a proper way for a bright future. We need a structure which provides different fields of study rather than traditional structure, where everybody just study for completing the degree.
College should not be a place from where someone get the degree, It should be a place which polish the career of students according to their field of interest.

The biggest reason of unemployment at present is most colleges are just a source of income and opened for business purpose only. This think made most of the colleges just a way of getting degree and nothing else.

In the past we had University like Nalanda and Takshila, which taught the students about goal of life and moral values. They guide them according to their strength and they provide students the goal of their lives.
That's why students all around the world used to came at Takshila and Nalanda.

The colleges should prepare the students according to their strength and interests.
Because if we love our profession we will enjoy our work and it is good for us and our country in every way.

For example most of our colleges not contain the courses like photography, Social values, professional Gaming etc in their syllabus, if these courses are available definitely students who like these courses will enjoy their study.

Moral is that we need a Education structure which is entirely support us as our strength and we enjoy our education. And we will definitely get the goal of our life. Because we don't know who we are and what is the goal of our life just because of this sick education system.


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